Monday, April 26, 2010

UNleashed: Worship

Humans are complex creatures. We have various motives for doing what we do, changing our attitudes and opinions faster than those Nascar pit crews change tires, and just when you think you've got someone pegged, they leave you wondering if you ever really knew them at all.

This week at UNleashed, we'll be looking at Saul, the man who had it all, including God's anointing, and foolishly lost it all. He, too, was a complex individual. Saul had many strengths, he was a unique man with characteristics unlike anyone in all of Israel, surely there was something about him that made God decide to crown him the first king of His chosen people.

But Saul messed up, big time. Not just once, either. You see, as much as we'd like to think Saul's good qualities could counterbalance any negative attributes, we find out upon inspection of our text that Saul was actually a big hot mess with flaws that ran deep. As much as he tried to cover his tracks, Saul's insubordination to God cost him his kingdom, his sanity, and his salvation. Sounds like a story that could easily be set in New York in 2010... maybe people (including Saul, you, and me) aren't as complicated as we'd like to think.

The text in 1 Samuel this week is challenging, but it's crucial to understand who Saul was if we want to learn who David was. The depiction of the downward spiral that sin causes in Saul's life is heartbreaking, and Psalm 13, which David wrote, shows the deep despair of being far from God as well as the joy and peace that comes with redemption.

We don't all have to end up like Saul, falling farther and farther away from God. We can allow His grace to overcome our shortcomings and restore our relationship. Let's get together and dive into the Bible, talk about it, then sing some praises to our Lord.

- Johanna

UNleashed:Worship Bible Study
Thursdays @ 8:00pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St.)