Friday, April 30, 2010

Stairway to/from Heaven?

Well, just like that, the time of Isaac is over. No, he is not dead, but his time as Patriarch has come to a close with the emphasis now resting on Jacob. Jacob has now been formally blessed and commissioned to go forward in the blessing of Abraham, his life is temporarily secure from the threats of Esau, and he is on his way to get a wife (covenant helper). Things are looking up for brother Jacob, despite the fact that he still has not repented or come clean regarding his deception of his father and brother. So, how will that play out? Is that sin merely “water under the bridge?” Or will God allow that wicked display of character to fester in the heart of Jacob until a later time of God’s choosing? The question, therefore, before us, and Jacob, is: How will God deal with sinful Jacob?

To give you a “head’s up,” this question will be answered not only this week, but throughout every stage of Jacob’s life. God deals with our sins, because he loves us and desires for us to know the beauty of His fellowship. Our sin keeps us from experiencing this love; but, fortunately, God intervenes in Divine fashion.

See you Sunday with a Friend as we examine Gen. 28:10-22.

Beginnings: Sibling Rivalry

Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater

Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)