Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Passover Results

On March 30th, Forest Hills Community Church held its first Passover Seder for the Jewish community. Despite torrential downpours (and Jeremy having a fever of 102 and being hospitalized the night before), a great crowd of Jewish people attended the event eager to see how Christians would celebrate their holiday. By God's providence there was a 1-1 ratio of Jews to Christians, which caused the night to be full of interaction.

Jeremy led the Seder service reading for the traditional Jewish Hagadah, instead of a "Messianic" Hagadah. This was on purpose, as the desire was to reveal Jesus from the Jewish Scriptures, which provide more than enough opportunity to demonstrate Jesus and His NT teachings. This revealing of Jesus from the Jewish Hagadah also caused the Jewish people in attendance to ask questions about Jesus and the Christian church. It was amazing to see the Holy Spirit work so vividly through their questions, and Jeremy's response from both the Old and New Testament. At one point, a Jewish man in the audience simply cried out, "I'm sure I will make it home tonight! God is dealing with me!"

The night lasted over 3 hours and everyone in attendance walked away thrilled with God's "Christian" church in Forest Hills. Several have also attended a Sunday service and/or Bible study. The entire event (the weeks of evangelism beforehand, the event itself, and the follow-up) has been a tremendous success and instrument in the Lord's hand. Plans are already in place to hold High Holiday services in the fall. Please being praying now for these ministries.