Friday, April 30, 2010

Stairway to/from Heaven?

Well, just like that, the time of Isaac is over. No, he is not dead, but his time as Patriarch has come to a close with the emphasis now resting on Jacob. Jacob has now been formally blessed and commissioned to go forward in the blessing of Abraham, his life is temporarily secure from the threats of Esau, and he is on his way to get a wife (covenant helper). Things are looking up for brother Jacob, despite the fact that he still has not repented or come clean regarding his deception of his father and brother. So, how will that play out? Is that sin merely “water under the bridge?” Or will God allow that wicked display of character to fester in the heart of Jacob until a later time of God’s choosing? The question, therefore, before us, and Jacob, is: How will God deal with sinful Jacob?

To give you a “head’s up,” this question will be answered not only this week, but throughout every stage of Jacob’s life. God deals with our sins, because he loves us and desires for us to know the beauty of His fellowship. Our sin keeps us from experiencing this love; but, fortunately, God intervenes in Divine fashion.

See you Sunday with a Friend as we examine Gen. 28:10-22.

Beginnings: Sibling Rivalry

Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater

Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Guitar Lessons - SIGN UP NOW

Have your ever wanted to learn HOW to play guitar? Well, now you can in the best setting possible!

FHCC will be hosting an 8-week guitar session for beginners starting Tues. Mar 25.

Here are the details:
1 - you need your own guitar (no amps allowed, so acoustic is better)
2 - you will need to pay for the class ($100 for the full 8-weeks)
3 - classes will be Tues nights @ 8pm at the Campus
4 - class would be open to ALL (especially to friends who DO NOT yet know Jesus)
5 - joining the class does not mean you are joining the worship team or the church

Bottom line is that we want to do live and serve Jesus together. Doing something as simple as learning an instrument, demonstrates to the world that to be a Christian is to be a normal person living for an extraordinary God.

So respond to this thread and SIGN UP. Class size will be limited!

please share this with your friends and grab a guitar,
- pastor jeremy

PS> Couple of Things:
1 - There is a Payment Plan available for this class.
2 - You can pay via PayPal or with a Credit Card through our website (Visit our Contact page and simply give through PayPal. PayPal will notify us of your payment.)
3 - You can get an acoustic guitar at great prices via Craigslist and

Monday, April 26, 2010

UNleashed: Worship

Humans are complex creatures. We have various motives for doing what we do, changing our attitudes and opinions faster than those Nascar pit crews change tires, and just when you think you've got someone pegged, they leave you wondering if you ever really knew them at all.

This week at UNleashed, we'll be looking at Saul, the man who had it all, including God's anointing, and foolishly lost it all. He, too, was a complex individual. Saul had many strengths, he was a unique man with characteristics unlike anyone in all of Israel, surely there was something about him that made God decide to crown him the first king of His chosen people.

But Saul messed up, big time. Not just once, either. You see, as much as we'd like to think Saul's good qualities could counterbalance any negative attributes, we find out upon inspection of our text that Saul was actually a big hot mess with flaws that ran deep. As much as he tried to cover his tracks, Saul's insubordination to God cost him his kingdom, his sanity, and his salvation. Sounds like a story that could easily be set in New York in 2010... maybe people (including Saul, you, and me) aren't as complicated as we'd like to think.

The text in 1 Samuel this week is challenging, but it's crucial to understand who Saul was if we want to learn who David was. The depiction of the downward spiral that sin causes in Saul's life is heartbreaking, and Psalm 13, which David wrote, shows the deep despair of being far from God as well as the joy and peace that comes with redemption.

We don't all have to end up like Saul, falling farther and farther away from God. We can allow His grace to overcome our shortcomings and restore our relationship. Let's get together and dive into the Bible, talk about it, then sing some praises to our Lord.

- Johanna

UNleashed:Worship Bible Study
Thursdays @ 8:00pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St.)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

May Water Baptism

On May 23rd, Forest Hills Community Church will hold its Spring Water Baptism service. The service will take place Sunday evening at 5pm inside the FHCC Campus, with a complementary BBQ following. All are encouraged to attend, and those who have not been previously baptized are urged to sign up to be baptized.

Water baptism is a biblical command for God's people. While it does not merit God's grace (cause you to become a Christian) or even make you a better Christian, it does provide new life and vitality to your witness and walk with Jesus. Baptism proclaims your love and devotion to Jesus, providing an outward sign of an inward change. Baptism is the believer's opportunity to preach!

Regardless of who is getting baptized, we ask that everyone attends and brings friends and family. Biblically and historically, water baptism services have provided the greatest environment for unsaved people to become Christians.

Sign Up to be Water Baptized in May or to simply ask for more information.
*Everyone desiring to be water baptized will be asked to attend a brief "Baptism Q/A" meeting following Sunday's service on May 16.

Volunteer to help with the Water Baptism service.

FHCC Water Baptism Service
Sunday, May 23rd @ 5pm
At the FHCC Campus Location (6708 Ingram St)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pitying Esau

This week's text are probably the most sorrowful that we have read up to this point in the Genesis narrative. Following Jacob's betrayal and Esau's rage, momma-Rebekah convinces daddy-Isaac to send Jacob away to find a "godly" wife. Isaac agrees and sends Jacob forth with additional blessing and praise. Meanwhile, Esau is sulking in a corner contemplating his sins and the miserable state of his relationship with his father. Esau's life is a tragedy...that we should pity.

This week it's all about Esau. Join us as we study his three fatal flaws, and learn how we can avoid mimicking these mistakes in our own life. Esau loved the limelight, only saw himself as the solution to life's problems, and always tried to earn the love of his father. (Sounds a lot like some of us, doesn't it?) Grab your bible and we'll see you Sunday @ the Midway...

Genesis: Book of Beginnings
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Campus Names

A few suggestions for naming the campus:

If we're serious about making the place more like a cafe how about: Taste & See...

If by any chance we want to go more along the lines of a pub/brewery ;-) how about or TAP OUT or THE LION'S DEN...

If we're thinking of a NYC lounge we can call it The Upper Room for all my "prayer warriors" out there. However, we are at ground level...

If we're reaching the Greenwich Village crowd we can call it The Flame...

For stoners I think The FIRE or The LIGHT would be rad or maybe even groovy...

However, If we're going to leave the place as is I still think The GENESIS is pretty cool or how about: The ARC

Last and certainly least for all those liberal democrats out there The Barack. After all, it does mean "blessing!"

- Ant

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Passover Results

On March 30th, Forest Hills Community Church held its first Passover Seder for the Jewish community. Despite torrential downpours (and Jeremy having a fever of 102 and being hospitalized the night before), a great crowd of Jewish people attended the event eager to see how Christians would celebrate their holiday. By God's providence there was a 1-1 ratio of Jews to Christians, which caused the night to be full of interaction.

Jeremy led the Seder service reading for the traditional Jewish Hagadah, instead of a "Messianic" Hagadah. This was on purpose, as the desire was to reveal Jesus from the Jewish Scriptures, which provide more than enough opportunity to demonstrate Jesus and His NT teachings. This revealing of Jesus from the Jewish Hagadah also caused the Jewish people in attendance to ask questions about Jesus and the Christian church. It was amazing to see the Holy Spirit work so vividly through their questions, and Jeremy's response from both the Old and New Testament. At one point, a Jewish man in the audience simply cried out, "I'm sure I will make it home tonight! God is dealing with me!"

The night lasted over 3 hours and everyone in attendance walked away thrilled with God's "Christian" church in Forest Hills. Several have also attended a Sunday service and/or Bible study. The entire event (the weeks of evangelism beforehand, the event itself, and the follow-up) has been a tremendous success and instrument in the Lord's hand. Plans are already in place to hold High Holiday services in the fall. Please being praying now for these ministries.

Monday, April 19, 2010

UNplugged: Kicking God Out

We have a really big night on tap for UNplugged. This week we pick up in Genesis 27, and reflect on the fallout from the family's deception. A lot of sins and deception took place inside this covenant family, and every sin if sure to bear consequences. How will Esau respond to Jacob's deception, and how will Rebekah respond to her new life as a conspirator? There is an awful amount of trouble ahead for this family and its individual members. Will they respond to God, or will they remain in their rebellion against Him and His will?

Tonight is the night of answers. Bring a friend, bring a bible, and bring your best questions. It's a big night and we want you to be a part, as we look at the Bible UNplugged.

UNplugged: Interactive Bible Study
Monday Nights @ 8pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

UNleashed: Thursday Nights

You probably know quite a bit about David. Kids in Sunday School would be happy to tell you that he was the youngest of seven brothers, a shepherd boy who had a knack for the lyre, who would later kill a giant and become king of Israel. Most of us are at least a little familiar with his story, at least the part about a young kid killing a giant when grown men were shaking in their boots.

I want to introduce you to David the singer/songwriter. He’s open, honest, attractive, and talented. The songs he writes go on to outlive him for thousands of years. We sing the lyrics he wrote to this day in churches around the world, put them on greeting cards, and quote them at weddings and funerals. His most famous song, Psalm 23 (“The Lord is My Shepherd”) is his biggest single, one of the best-known passages of the entire Bible.

But beyond the hype and the folklore and the felt boards, who was the real David? What was the inspiration behind some of his masterpieces? Furthermore, what can we learn from David about how to worship God?

So what would it be like to go “behind the music” with one of the most notable singer/songwriters to ever walk the earth? You think you know, but you have no idea. Really.

Join us at UNleashed on Thursday night for the first installment in this series of comparative studies as we look at both the psalm and the psalmist.


UNleashed:Worship Bible Study
Thursdays @ 8:00pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St.)

Friday, April 16, 2010

FHCC Worship Team

After months and months of praying and learning and waiting, it's time to put a worship team together!

The FHCC Worship Team will be serving by playing Sunday mornings and leading the congregation in praises to our God. There is a process to being on the worship team for Sunday services, which I will go over on Thursday for interested parties, but if you're a Christian who attends FHCC regularly, you meet most of the requirements.

If you feel called to dedicate your musical talents to the Lord, please bring your instrument with you to the Campus at 7pm this Thursday for practice (vocalists are welcome, too). We will rehearse until 8pm, then do our UNleashed Bible study (this week is on David, "Shepherding, Giant Slaying, and Songwriting"), and then we will bring the band up and lead the group in worship with the set that we practiced at 7pm.

So, my super-talented friends, bring your instruments (vocalists are welcome too) at 7pm and let's make this worship team a reality!

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;
break forth into joyous song and sing praises!
Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,
with the lyre and the sound of melody!
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord!"
Psalm 98:4-6



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Name the Campus

We are in the process of replacing the ailing sign located over the campus on Ingram St. Yet, rather than merely call the place, "the Campus" or FHCC, we would like to give the place a name of its own. Are reasons for such a decision are two-fold:

1 - We want to reach Non-Christians. The campus (like all of what FHCC does) is designed to reach non-Christians with the message of Jesus. Many people will never darken the doors of a church out of sheer prejudice and fear. Some on the other hand, because of their current religious affiliation are not allowed to enter a "church" building.

If we are going to keep reaching FHills for Jesus, then we need to keep presenting viable opportunities for people to do so. Giving the campus a unique name will disarm skeptics and encourage curious seekers to enter.

2 - We're about a Movement, not a name. Forest Hills Community Church is just the beginning to what God is going to do in NYC. By naming this first campus with a unique name, we will remember that it's just the beginning of what God is longing to do to redeem our neighborhood, city, and world.

How to Get Involved:
We would love to hear your suggestions for naming the campus on Ingram St. Please email Pastor Jeremy @ with your suggestions as soon as possible. Then, on April 26, Pastor Jeremy will send out the three best names for all to vote on. The winning name will be announced on May 2nd during the Sunday service.

Think Missionally and let me hear your suggestions today!

Pastor Jeremy

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Genesis 27

We have a very interesting weekend on tap at FHCC. As we resume our study of Genesis, we will pick up in Genesis 27 with the well-known story of "Jacob Stealing a Blessing." (If you have not heard of this story yet, then you are in for a real treat.) In a great play of irony, deception, and drama, the covenant family of Isaac resorts to conspiracy as each one seeks his/her own will. It's basically a biblical episode of "All My Children."

Yet I must confess, that I did not perceive of the greater theological implications of this passage until this past week. Like so many other stories in the bible, sometimes we allow the drama and adventure of the text to take away any sense of theological/spiritual implication. As God's Word, the bible is to always serve as a means of drawing us closer to Jesus, and when we fail to allow this happen, we fail in walking in obedience to the text.

Join us this Sunday as we enjoy an incredible story with an incredible meaning. Learn how to deal with pride, family, enemies, and above all, Jesus. See at church!

Genesis: Sibling Rivalry
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Taking a Sabbath

It is way too easy for us as humans living on this side of "the Fall" to ignore God's advice and example of rest. I love working for Jesus and seeing salvation as much as the next guy, but if I ignore Godly wisdom then I really have become a ministerial hypocrite.

After an incredible week proclaiming the Passover, the Atonement and the Resurrection, I am now enjoying the rest each event promised. My kids and my wife are my treasure from God, and I am going to enjoy them.

See you all this Sunday (April 11th) for our Sibling Rivalry Mini-Series.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

UNplugged: Speical Edition

Ever have a question about God, Jesus, the bible, or some other subject, but were afraid to ask? If so, then you must join us for a very special session of UNplugged this Monday night. This week we are opening up the entire night to your questions. Already the response has been overwhelming, as people are asking:
  • If God created the heavens and the earth, what happened to the other planets and celestial "beings"?
  • If God created the "lights" on the 4th day, how long are the previous "days" if there were no "lights"?
  • If only God is speaking, why does He say "our" image?
  • Why Can't I have sex before Marriage?
Do not miss this incredible night of opportunity! Bring your friends, and brings your own questions. God is the God of Truth, and Monday night He will speak.

See you there!!

UNplugged: Special Q & A
Monday Night, April 5th @ 8pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St, FHills)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Good Friday at FHCC

Good Friday is a very big deal for us at Forest Hills Community Church, because it allows ample time for us to reflect on the supernatural love of God. Good Friday is the day that the Old Testament looked forward to, and the day the New Testament looks back on. It is the day that God redeemed the world (past, present, and future) from all its sin, by becoming sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21). It is a profound mystery that none will ever be able to fully comprehend, but we try; especially, on Good Friday.

Join on Friday, April 2, as we gather to reflect on the "Suffering Servant" and His love for us. We will hold two services at the campus location, and we strongly encourage you to attend. The message will be intense, so please, please, please bring your friends. God is going to do something wonderful in our midst.

Good Friday
Friday, April 2 @ 1pm and 8pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)