Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Year Reflections - Part V

What a way to end the first month of the year, the last Sunday in the Midway Theater, and the end of our study of the book of Genesis!?!?! This week's service was an incredible time of worship, fellowship, unity, and sacrifice as everyone came together to worship Jesus and put feet behind the call He has placed on our lives and church to reach this city for Him. And as we go forward into this new year and chapter of the church, it is only appropriate that we remember the theme of Genesis, and the legacy of our church thus far: faithfulness.

Resolution #4:
It's always all about faithfulness. God has done great things and has promised us an even greater future. However, unless we are faithful to His word, it's means nothing to us. Yes, God will have His way and accomplish His will, but we may not be on the winning side of it. God is looking for FAITHFUL people. People who are willing to go forward in obedience, not simply rest on promises and let others do the work.

As we enter into this exciting time of the church, let's be more faithful than ever! God has already proved Himself glorious and worthy. All we need now is look to Him and put to use the many righteous tools He has givens us. A new building, new kids and youth ministry, new staff, and fresh section of our neighborhood to reach. We can do it!

The best is yet to come, FHCC, but we must be faithful in all that we do: finances, time, and talent. The best is yet to come!!