Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Year Reflections - Part III

Three weeks into 2011, and I am already ecstatic over what this year holds for the future of the Church. So much of what we have been studying in the book of Genesis and in our weekly discussions is a direct reflection of the challenges currently facing FHCC, and the promises of God to work miracle in every direction. No where is this promise more urgent and exciting, than in the area of giving.

Tragically, only 20% of those who attend FHCC give to FHCC; and we are not just talking about finances. While money certainly is a great tool in ministry and indicator of spiritual maturity, it is but only a part of "what" expects us to give to His service. Time (volunteering and faithfulness) is also a treasure God has invested in us, so that we may invest it in Him and His people. How different would church, outreaches, and gatherings be if everyone who calls FHCC "home" would attend every week? How much easier would your life be, personally, if everyone would attend church regularly? There would always be someone to talk to, always someone to watch your kids, always someone to laugh with, pray with, and assist you? Life wouldn't feel quite so lonely if everyone would simply give their time to the Lord?

Resolution #2
This year, let us pledge to give our TIME to the Lord and His service. All of us are busy, and have schedules that are way too crammed as is; but, why should we punish God and others? Maybe instead of saying "no" to Jesus and His church, we should start saying no to partying, making an extra buck, or plain old laziness. Maybe instead of enjoying a morning in bed, we could go to church, volunteer in Kids Church or Hospitality and give parents a break?

Many are already making this pledge of faithfulness with their time. Will you join us?