Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Wrap Up

Wow! If you missed the Thanksgiving Dinner with FHCC, then you missed something special. Over 100 people attended a night of eating, sharing, playing, and even singing Karaoke!!

Taking advantage of our new meeting space inside PS 144, the church rented out the cafeteria to hold the abundance of friends and families invited by the FHCC regulars. Hours before the event was to being people began pouring in ready to assist and serve the community. It was humbling to see so many offer so much with an eagerness to receive nothing in return. They simply wanted to make the night special for others.

When the dinner finally began, a prayer of thanksgiving was offered to the LORD for His miraculous gift of salvation and community in His name. For if it was not for Jesus and His redemption, FHCC would not exist and there would be no influence or friendship of any kind, especially among such a diverse crowd like FHCC. (Seriously, we are very wonderfully diverse!)

As people gathered together in tables of 12, everyone joined in conversation with their neighbor and made a new friend. Kids ran wild, and parents enjoyed with other parents and adults. No one was left of the fellowship, and every conversation was uplifting and positive. It was like heaven...and then the Karaoke machine was fired up!

All I can say about the Karaoke element is "WOW!" Who know we had so many rock stars in our midst!?!? Seriously, it was a lot of fun and everyone kept the song selection to modest and light hearted.

It was an incredible night, and we thank God for bringing us all together. FHCC is truly blessed by the works of God's Spirit and we ask that you continue to be a part of the family.