Sunday, November 14, 2010


This week our campus gets a new name and awning. It has been incredible to see the LORD take a ratty old storefront and convert it into a modern and comfortable worship center. Rarely does a day go by that people walking by to not stop, stare, and inquire how a church can be held in a such a modern and inviting place. We love how God is using this simple space for His glory.

Tragically, however, there is still a significant part of our community that has yet to enjoy the benefits of the campus. Due to the laws of Halakah (Jewish cultural law), our Jewish neighbors are forbidden to enter a church building regardless of its fixtures of elements. By calling our store its default name "the church," or by posting our church title over the door, we are shutting out the very people Jesus came to save! It is not that there is anything wrong with the title "church," or is it a title by which we should be embarrassed or ashamed of; rather, it is simply a cultural word that the Jewish community has chosen to take offense with and use to keep distance between themselves and us.

What's In a Name?
After much prayer and consideration, we have decided to officially name the church campus, "Genesis." This contemporary, Jewish and defining title will help alleviate the stress and phobia of the Jewish community, and allow for a more level playing field in sharing the Gospel with them. After all, the name "Genesis" means, "Beginning" and comes from the Jewish Bible. What better title for a place from God will start a new work and give new life to all people who call on His name.

Please be praying for this exciting new chapter in the ministry of our church. By God's grace, and through our obedience, many new opportunities lay ahead for the thousands of people of Forest Hills to come to know Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah.