Tuesday, October 20, 2009

By Doing Righteousness and Justice

Our text for this past Sunday was Genesis 18:19. (If you have not yet memorized it, I beg you to please do so.) There is so much about this verse that we can expand on, learn from, and digest into true life change, but I think there is one line that is screaming at us given the day and age in which we live.

"...to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice,"

In this one statement, God is clearly demanding that His people model Him in the world around us. Righteousness and Justice are HIS attributes. God is perfect and blameless (righteous). God is fair, unbiased, and honest (justice). Therefore, as Christians, we are to model Him and Him alone, and offer to the world Him and Him alone. Anything less than a clear representation of Him in these areas is but a mere perversion of Righteousness and Justice.

God is not calling His people to simply be good people, go to church once a week, or to share a cookie with a stranger. Nor is calling calling us to "social justice" through the spreading of wealth, politics, or philosophies. God is calling us all to be mere IMAGE BEARERS of God through lives of repentance to God, so that the world may know Him, see Him and come to Him!

-Pastor Jeremy