Friday, October 30, 2009

Sunday Preview

Genesis 19:4-6

"But before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, all the people to the last man, surrounded the house. And they called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them." Lot went out to the men at the entrance, shut the door after him, and said, 'I beg you, my brothers, do not act so wickedly.'"

While many people are familiar with the Sodom and Gomorrah story, very few actually comprehend the depths of spiritual plight it portrays. This Sunday we go deep; examining sin, judgment, justice, and morality. I guarantee it will rock you to your core.

Bring a friend this Sunday as we look very hard, and very critically, at one of the hardest chapters in the entire Bible.

Sunday AM INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater @ 10am
Monday PM INSIDE the FHCC Campus @ 8pm

Thursday, October 29, 2009

LIght the Night

This Saturday, FHCC presents, “Light the Night” Open House.

When: Saturday, OCTOBER 31st
Time: 3pm – 9pm
Location: FHCC Campus

Come one, come all as we celebrate the LIGHT of JESUS, on the darkest day of the year!

Forest Hills Community Church is taking a stand for Jesus this Halloween season. We will be distributing FREE candy, Children's Bibles, Christian activity books, crayons and popcorn to the trick-or-treaters of Forest Hills. With thousands of people flooding the street looking for free goodies on Halloween, this holiday provides us with the perfect opportunity to allow the LIGHT of Jesus to shine in an otherwise dark time.

*Located at FHCC Campus on 67-08 Igram St., Forest Hills (just off Yellowstone Blvd.)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Do You Know God?

Heard and awesome sermon by John Piper. It broke me in so many ways, but ultimately because we live in a world that absolutely hates Jesus and denies Him in every possible way. Piper's sermon simply reminds us that it is all about Jesus, and we can never escape this truth.

Below is an excerpt from his sermon: "If you believed Moses, you would believe me."

Do You Know God?

In John 8:19, Jesus’ adversaries, who claimed to know God, said, “Where is your Father?” And Jesus answered, “You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also.” The fact that these adversaries do not know Jesus—do not perceive his deity or Messiahship or his role as the Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53) shows that they don’t know God. “You know neither me nor my Father.”

By John Piper. © Desiring God. Website:

Monday, October 26, 2009

UNashamed: Sacraments of the Church

This week's topic: The Sacraments/Ordinances of the Christian Church

Why do Christians celebrate such acts as Water Baptism and Communion (The Lord's Supper)? What significance do they hold, and why do so many churches do them each differently? And more importantly, who can participate in these acts?

Join us this Tuesday night at 8pm for UNashamed, the Bible Doctrines class you will love! Every week people like you come to learn about the Bible and what it means to be a Christian from a strictly biblical position. We guarantee you will walk away smarter.

UNashamed: Bible Doctrines Class
Tuesday Nights @ 8pm
INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St, Forest Hills)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Worship Set

This Sunday at FHCC, we worshipped to the following songs:

1 - "Beautiful Jesus" by Kristian Stanfil, Album: Passion:God of the City

2 - "Blessed by Your Name" by Matt Redman, Album: Passion: Sacred Revolution

3 - "Holy is the Lord" by Chris Tomlin, Album: Passion: Sacred Revolution

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sunday Preview

This Sunday we continue our look into Genesis 18 and examine the unbelievable exchange in verses 23-33. Here we find Abraham pleading with God not to destroy the unspeakably wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. And for some amazing reason, God allows this man to speak with Him and make his petitions known.

What is the "amazing reason" for this exchange and tolerance on the part of the Lord? You're going to have to join us to find out.

Pastor Jeremy
Sunday Mornings INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater @10am
Monday Nights INSIDE the FHCC Campus @8pm

Thursday, October 22, 2009

On the Atonement

The following is a quote on the Atonement fromby J. Rodman Williams' book, "Renewal Theology" (page 366-367)

Next is the very heart of the atonement: Christ our Lord on the cross with love incomprehensible so voluntarily identified with sin and evil on the cross as actually to become sin (2 Cor. 5:21), thereby willingly subjecting Himself to the wrath of Almighty God. For the God of infinite love and compassion who receives man’s vicious attacks and yet goes on loving, the God who identifies Himself with the agony of the world, is at the same time the God of holiness and righteousness. Therefore when His only Son becomes wholly identified with the sin of all mankind with its accompanying guilt and misery, the God of “purer eyes than to behold evil” (Hab. 1:13) pours out on Him the judgment and condemnation that all people deserve. Jesus Christ as the Son of man—man of every time and place—alone could take the place of every man who ever lived. As the Son of God and therefore one with Almighty God, He alone could receive the total weight of the divine judgment. So did He—the Lord Jesus Christ—suffer our sin, our judgment, our condemnation, our death, our destruction.

The glorious result: in Christ and through Christ we have been set free! Jesus Christ in our place has done it all. In bearing our judgment and condemnation we have been liberated—ransomed, redeemed, bought with a price—from the ravages of sin and evil. Through the blood of Christ our guilt has been expunged, our sin taken away. We no longer are in bondage to death, the devil, or the curse of the law. Throughout time and eternity we will ever sing: “Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift” (2 Cor. 9:15) in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Atonement in the Scriptures

Concept of Atonement in the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament):

1 - Gen. 3:15 - Son on Man will crush the Serpent

2 - Lev. 17:11 - Blood of animals will "cover" the sins of the people

*Notice that the word is “cover (kippur),” not “remove.” This is important, because it sets the stage for the need of a legitimate sacrifice, and negates the false teaching that Christianity is a “new” religion, or that OT Biblical Judaism was a sufficient means of worship.

3 - Dan. 9:24-25 - Messiah will bring an end to sin & restore righteousness

Fulfillment of above in the New Testament:

Hebrews 9:11-14

When Messiah came as high priest of the good things that are already here, he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not man-made, that is to say, not a part of this creation. He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption. The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Messiah, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!

Helpful Book on Salvation

Below are several great books dealing with the Salvation of Man:

1 - "50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die" by John Piper

2 - "Christian Theology" by Milford Erikson

3 - "Systematic Theology: Vol. 3 - Sin & Salvation" by Dr. Norman Geisler

4 - "Renewal Theology" by J. Rodman Williams

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

By Doing Righteousness and Justice

Our text for this past Sunday was Genesis 18:19. (If you have not yet memorized it, I beg you to please do so.) There is so much about this verse that we can expand on, learn from, and digest into true life change, but I think there is one line that is screaming at us given the day and age in which we live.

" keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice,"

In this one statement, God is clearly demanding that His people model Him in the world around us. Righteousness and Justice are HIS attributes. God is perfect and blameless (righteous). God is fair, unbiased, and honest (justice). Therefore, as Christians, we are to model Him and Him alone, and offer to the world Him and Him alone. Anything less than a clear representation of Him in these areas is but a mere perversion of Righteousness and Justice.

God is not calling His people to simply be good people, go to church once a week, or to share a cookie with a stranger. Nor is calling calling us to "social justice" through the spreading of wealth, politics, or philosophies. God is calling us all to be mere IMAGE BEARERS of God through lives of repentance to God, so that the world may know Him, see Him and come to Him!

-Pastor Jeremy

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Worship Set

This Sunday at FHCC, we worshipped to the following songs:

1 - "Beautiful Jesus" by Kristian Stanfil, Album: Passion:God of the City

2 - "Blessed by Your Name" by Matt Redman, Album: Passion: Sacred Revolution

3 - "None but Jesus" by Hillsong Australia, Album: Mighty to Save

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sunday Preview

This Sunday we continue on in our text from chapter 18. After serving a banner meal to Jesus and His angelic posse, the Lord prepares to continue on His way to the wicked city of Sodom. Abraham decides to tag along. (Who wouldn't?!)

And then it happens! God does the incredible and includes Abraham in His will and His understanding. But why? Why would a sovereign and omnipotent God bring a mere sinful mortal into His consideration?

The answer is life changing, and I can't wait to see you Sunday!

- Pastor Jeremy
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Friday, October 16, 2009

We Need Candy

Please remember to bring a bag (or two) of individually wrapped candy to church with you this Sunday.

This Halloween, instead of honoring the dead, we are choosing the publicly celebrate the ONE who is alive! From 3-9pm the FHCC Campus will be an Open House where kids and their families can come and receive candy, kids Bibles, play games, and hang out with others. It is going to be a lot of fun, so be sure to sign up to help!

See you Sunday with your candy!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


After 5 awesome days in the Pittsburgh area, I am home!

Had a great time, met some fantastic people who are not only going to allow God to use them in Monroeville, but also around the world. Learned a lot from the fellow Missionaries, the local staff, and even more from the people of Monroeville A/G.

Interestingly enough, I also learned that Pittsburgh has a killer skyline at night, and that a CheeseSteak in western PA is NOT the same as a CheeeseSteak in Eastern PA.

Thank you to all who made these past few days possible, and I cannot wait to get back to work in Forest Hills with my family.

Pastor Jeremy
See some pics from the Trip...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sunday Preview

Genesis 18:19: "For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the Lord may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.”

This is just a sample of the text the Lord has given us for this week, and I am so humbled by it. As I prepare the message, I am so amazed by the depth and implications, that I am a little freaked out by how our world will react.

I pray they will do as the Lord intends and repent. But if they do not, then I am beyond worried for them, because there will be little else to offer them in ways of wisdom. This text is just so crystal clear about the ways and intentions of the Lord.

Why must we be such an arrogant and stiff-necked people?

God, pour out Your mercy this Sunday and Monday night in Forest Hills...

-Pastor Jeremy

Forest Hills Community Church
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Monday Nights @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St, FHills)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Gen 18:1-15 - Three Visitors

This week at FHCC we examined the blessing that comes from serving the LORD. Now, some people would like to criticize Abraham and accuse him of trying to "win" the favor of the Lord, or appease Him through "works" or human efforts. This is just plain nonsense.

Abraham is already blessed (chapter 12-17, specifically 17). Over and over again the LORD has demonstrated His favor towards Abraham. Abraham is not trying to "win" the favor of the LORD, instead in chapter 18 is simply living in response to the favor of the LORD.

Q: Are YOU trying to "win" the favor of the Lord, or are you living in response to the favor LORD has already shown you?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11 Worship Set

This Sunday at FHCC, we worship to the following songs:

1 - "These Hands" by Jeff Deyo, Album: Light

2 - "Stronger" by Hillsong Australia, Album: This is Our God

3 - "Healer" by Hillsong Australia, Album: This is Our God

4 - "I Will Not Forget You" by Waterdeep, Album: Enter the Worship Circle

Friday, October 9, 2009

Affects of Sin

Examining the events found in Genesis chapter 3, it is obvious that sin is far more reaching and corrupting than we could have ever feared:

Affects of Sin:

1 - Illumination (Gen 3:7) – awareness of the sinful state and felt shame

2 - Alienation (Gen 3:7-8, Rom 5:10) – separation from each other and God; displacement, enslavement

3 - Disfiguration (Gen 3:6) (also Natural Evil (Romans 8:20-21)) – they became corrupted, tainted, and led by sensuality (Romans 7:8-11)

4 - Condemnation/Guilt (Gen 3:8, John 8:34) – after their disobedience, God came to them and judged them.

5 - Retribution (Gen 3:15-24, Rom 6:23) – penalty (both instant and physical, as well as delayed and spiritual) (Matt. 25:46, Rev. 20:15)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

iPhone Wallpaper

Have an iPhone, or any "smartphone," and want to share your passion? Here are some wallpapers to help the effort.

Download iPhone (320x480)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why Sin Matters

Millard Erikson: Our Doctrine of Salvation will be strongly influenced by our understanding of Sin. Our problem of Society will be governed by our view of Sin. Our view of the natural world (Creation) will be governed by our view of Sin.

Everything flows out of the doctrines of Sin and Salvation.

UNashamed: Living Doctrine & Theology
Tuesday Nights @ 8pm
FHCC Campus
6708 Ingram St.
Forest Hills, NY 11375

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Need for Doctrine on Sin

Sin? No problem, God will forgive it. No incarnation needed.

Sin? No problem, God is love and accepts you as you are. No Mediator needed.

Sin? No problem, just repent of it and follow Jesus' teaching. No atonement needed.

Sin? No problem, just stop doing bad things and start doing what God wants. No regeneration needed.

Sin? No problem, just start over again and keep trying. No justification needed.

Sin? No problem, stop beating yourself up. No eternal consequences. No wrath no come. No hell to avoid. No Saviour needed.

Don't neglect the biblical doctrine of sin or you will go astray on the biblical doctrine of the Saviour and his work.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Worship Set: Sunday, Oct 4th

These Hands by Jeff Deyo, Album: Light

Consuming Fire
by Hillsong United w/ Matt Redman, Album: More than Life

Mighty to Save by Hillsong Australia, Album: Mighty to Save

I will Not Forget You by Waterdeep, Album: Enter the Worship Circle, Vol. I