Many pastors will confess that the number of people in the local church is important because each person represents a life being touched by Jesus. Well, that would be true if the pastor of the local church was actually preaching the Word of God. Tragically, the solution at the pastor's conference (and on every Christian bookshelf) was on what new words, ideas, and cultural tools could (or should) be incorporated in the local church's message to make it more effective at reaching people. Last time I checked, it was Jesus who said He was going to build (increase) His church and that His work would stand up to the gates of Hell (Matt. 16:18). Maybe that's why most large "pop-culture" churches are so theologically and spiritually weak?
All I know is this: Jesus is the answer for the world. If it was really all about souls as most pastors proclaim, then why not they preach Him alone?
God save us from our foolishness...