Monday, March 15, 2010

Big Family

Sibling Rivalry…

I come from a big family. 7 kids. With a 20-year span from oldest to youngest. Never mind brothers-in-law, grandkids and great-grandkids. And when you come from a family that big, you quickly learn three things:

Your parents will never get your name right. With all the first names, middle names, nicknames and pets’ names to keep track of, you’ll be there all day if you wait for them to get to yours. Not to mention the times you’ll be referred to as “whichever one you are”.

The roles you play as children will irrevocably (even if in just a small degree) define your roles within the family as adults. A brain. An athlete. A basket case. A princess. Wait, that’s the end of the Breakfast Club…

Forget Yankees/Red Sox – siblings bring the term ‘rivalry’ to a whole new level. Sides are chosen, battle lines are drawn, and nothing is off limits. Intense? That’s nothing compared to Sibling Rivalry OT-style…

Join us this Monday as we continue our journey through the Genesis narrative by taking a deeper look into the volatile relationship between two brothers – Esau and Jacob.

It all starts at 7pm at the FHCC Campus with UNdone, and then we move into UNplugged at 8pm. Can't wait to see everyone tonight for church!

- Cathi

UNdone: Prayer Service @ 7pm
: Interactive Bible Study @ 8pm
Monday Nights INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)