Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Remaining Like Jesus, Even in Private

Following Jesus is never easy, especially in a world where our love for technology and information makes it easier and easier to sin. The internet, social networking, and the various media outlets consistently provide opportunity to sin, because they are constant and can be accessed anywhere, including in the privacy of our bedrooms.

Rather than take a hammer to our computers and cell phones, God has provided us a better way to honor Him and remain connected to the world He has called us to reach. Numerous Christian software developers have gotten together to create a variety of "Accountability Software Systems" that allow a third-party of your choosing to monitor your web traffic and even your IM/Text messaging.

There are many different options out there, but here are my personal favorites:

X3 Watch


Please let me know if you have any questions, or are in need of accountability partner. The truth is that we all need one.