Friday, July 29, 2011

Thoughts on Healing

Been a hard afternoon, but one full of God's providence. In light of my upcoming trip to General Council, I have been working on a sermon two-weeks from now based on Acts 3:1-10. The passage is very familiar and powerful because it involves a supernatural healing at the mere mention of Jesus' name. So many have been encouraged by the story's very simple retelling of the events that led to a lame man being instantly healed; Peter and John command the man to stand and he does with praises unto God. It is so simple and challenging.

No sooner had I cracked the outline on the passage, then my phone and email inbox begin filling with prayer requests for healing. Brain tumors, cancers, mental anguish and anxiety, etc. are effecting my immediate world and friendships. People are suffering and in desperate need to God's mercy and power and the timing of these events cannot be coincidental. So, how should we respond?

Before we address the healing, I feel it imperative to address the nature of sickness. With limited exception, sickness is NOT the fault of the afflicted (John 9:3). Yes, every man's sin furthers the plight of creation and breeds evil, but this should not lead one to the conclusion that if one is sick that he/she is being punished by God. The Bible is replete with the prophets, apostles and common people of God suffering the effects of sickness. Evil simply exists and effects all of us on this side of eternity, period.

After concluding that sickness is merely a component of living in a fallen world, the decision remains with how to treat it. Sadly, more people choose to focus on evil than its cure. Perhaps this is because of our carnal nature and obsession with the physical, but either way the practice is destructive. No good ever comes out of focusing on the problem, we must focus on the cure.

One of the many strengths of the Christian belief is that the biblical description of God is that He is sovereign. God is not limited by anything, nor does anything take place that is outside of His permissive will or ability. Additionally, the Bible declares that He is absolutely "good." This not only defines His essence, but also, by default, declares all of His works/actions/behaviors/ to be "good." These are important and imperative qualities when considering evil and its effects. Because God is sovereign and good, the effects of evil/sickness is never without purpose or cure. This is not to say that man can discern what this purpose is, this truth is reserved for God and God alone. Rather, by knowing that God has given purpose to evil/sickness it gives credence and necessity to look to Him in times of trouble. What matters is that God is always in control.

But His goodness is not abstract or merely theoretical, it's practical and demonstrated particularly in response to evil. The incarnation of Jesus (Jesus coming to earth as a man) proves that God's goodness and sovereignty are real and effective. God takes on the very thing that is susceptible to sickness/evil and overcomes it through the power of the Spirit. Additionally, He preserves not only His body, but he makes it priority to heal those who are sick and dead. God cares for the flesh and overcomes evil's effects toward it (Matt. 8:14-17).

As significant as God's concern for the flesh is, it is not the sole concern of the incarnation. The true significance of God becoming a man is so that He may suffer fully the effects of sin on our behalf and overcome them for all eternity (I Thess. 5:9-10). Jesus came to heal the soul, not merely the body and this is what matters most. I know this is hard to fathom from this side of eternity (John 11:35), but it is true. We should seek and expect God's healing in our physical bodies, but more important is that He be seen as the Healer and Victor over evil's effects on our soul.

If you are sick, then pray to the Lord for healing (James 5:13). God has demonstrated His love, concern, power and will to heal, therefore, expect it with a gracious heart. But, do not major in the minors, loosing sight of God's greatest demonstration of His goodness and love for us: His salvation and healing of the soul. Receive Jesus for who is fully is: God the Healer and Victor over flesh and spirit. The flesh is significant, but far greater is redemption of the soul.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Worth Sharing

This is from Monica, a dedicated servant of the church in Forest Hills:

Yesterday (7/19/11) at about 5:20pm I was standing at the line in the post office of 17 st and 7th Ave. As I am standing on line to mail some important documents I read the article I had so eagerly printed a few minutes ago. While I am reading it I just kept smiling with so much joy of what the Lord is doing at FHCC whether we have 100 congregants or the 60 same people that comes to gather with us to praise our Savior and King Jesus with an open heart.

In my head the picture of Shashi worshiping the Lord so vividly and real as the pictured could depicted, allowed me to confirm how proud I am to know that FHCC has a pastor and brothers/ sisters that serve the Lord trusting HIM even through difficult an uncertain times. My heart rejoices to know that I am so blessed to be part of what God’s calling is in FHCC. When I looked back at my life it has changed so radically in so many areas (and I’m sure many more to come and in the progress) for the past 2 yrs 6 months that I have been in this body of Christ. I laughed by myself at times when I look at certain areas of my life and comparing it to years ago there is no way I would have been able to come out of the mess and agony that my soul was in. Eve so many behaviors and choices are fading and repulse me now when it did not many years ago when I called myself a Christian. To the Lord is given all the glory and to what I have learned at FHCC by His mercy and grace. Thank you so much both of you for teaching the gospel with hearts that fear and served the TRUE GOD.

So interesting that the pictures can depict only the tiny small part of a bigger picture. You Christine although no where in the pictures in this report, play a significant role in HIS CHURCH, your husband and to us (I do speak for many of our ladies of the church).
I pray that my heart and eyes continue to be guided by The Lord and His purposes…
and not by my feelings, circumstances or pressing hard times.

As I finished reading the article I LIKED SO MUCH the last words that closed the report "We'll still be here, somewhere. The scriptures tell us a church is never a building. You don't go to church. You are the church."

Every time I go to Colombia those words are in my head: “Monica now go and be the church” . Whether in crazy NY CITY or Colombia or wherever, I am called to be the church! I remember an old song form my school in Colombia that said: Yo soy iglesia, tu eres iglesia somos la iglesia del Senor. Hermano ven ayudame, hermana ven ayudame somos la iglesia del Senor”

Blessed and honored to serve the Lord at FHCC and to the pastors HE has appointed in my life,