Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Meeting Joseph

This week we get back to the book of Genesis and the story of the Patriarchs. Jacob has come home to rest, and it now becomes time to watch the next generation of God's people grow and develop under His perfect covenant. Unlike the generations before, however, all of the children of Jacob will reside in covenant community, not a particular one.

Yet, despite this inclusive nature, God will elect certain children to elevated tasks and purposes. And like before, the objects of His election are never the obvious choice. In the case of the sons of Jacob, God will elect the second youngest brother, Joseph, to lead in very difficult circumstances and times. Like those who have gone before him, Joseph, is going to need to have radical faith imparted upon him if he is to succeed.

Make plans to join us this Sunday or Monday night at Forest Hills Community Church as we meet the Dreamer, Joseph. No section of the Genesis account is as replete with the providence (unseen involvement) of God, which offers so much hope for all of us.

See you this weekend!

Genesis: Joseph - From Death to Life
Sundays INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Monday Nights INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram)