Thursday, September 30, 2010

Street Fair

Twice a year the street of Forest Hills close down to pay tribute to the business and organizations of the community. Thousands of people from all over Queens attend this incredible event, and each festival FHCC is honored with a complimentary booth to promote the church. If you have never been a part of this incredible opportunity, then here is your chance!

Join us this Sunday from 1-4p as we distribute invites to church, hand out bibles and talk to people about the awesome church God has given us in Forest Hills. You do not need to be a long time member of the church or theologian to participate; you simply need to come willing to serve.

Besides getting to know our community, this event is also a fantastic way to get to know the people who make up FHCC. Email Johanna now to sign up or ask a question.

Forest Hills Street Fair
Sunday, Oct 3 from 1-4pm

Meet in front of Victoria's's where the Church Booth is.

(come for as long as you can)

Worship CD

Many of you enjoyed the live worship this past Sunday at FHCC. The voice behind the music is that of Josh Manarchuck. God has saved this him, given him a family, and called him to minister through music.

Recently, Josh and his family spent a year in Israel assisting local churches and reaching new people for the Messiah, Jesus. An album reflecting his time and ministry amongst the Jewish people has been compiled and is now available through FHCC.

The album, "Bo, Yeshua (Come, Jesus)" is for sale at our campus location for $15. You may also email the church to reserve your copy and pick it up during our Sunday service at the Midway Theater.

*All proceeds go to the ministry of Josh Manarchuck and family.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Judah and Tamar

If you thought Judah was a creep in his handling of Joseph, then you should see how he treat his own kids! Nevertheless, God's love extends to this man and saves him.

Join us this Sunday at the Midway to watch this miraculous occasion take place through a dynamic woman of faith. You will see that if God can save this man and his rebellious family, then he can save anyone. There is hope in Jesus!

See you this weekend in Forest Hills!

Genesis: Joseph - From Death to Life
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Monday Nights @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Church Meeting

Mark your calendars now to be with us next Tuesday night for our annual business meeting. Forest Hills CC does not belong to any one of us, but to Jesus alone. As His ambassadors and stewards it is important that we not only share what He has done, but how we, as His church, have handled it.

Topics to be discussed include:
1. Church Leadership and Accountability
2. Financial Report
3. Accomplishments of 2009-10

The night will also be dedicated to the future ministry of the church. While the past year has accomplished much, we are only beginning to scratch the surface. Come get a burden for where God is directing you and I in ministry. We truly believe the next twelve months will be our most effective yet!

FHCC Business Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 28 @ 8pm

INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Have a Question? Email us prior to the Business Meeting for a response.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Campus Volunteer

The FHCC Campus needs your help. As the church continues to grow and new ministries develop, it is imperative that we be good stewards with what the Lord has given us. The campus not only serves as a meeting place, office, and cafe; but also as a witness to who FHCC represents. If the building is dusty, dirty and infested, then what does that say about God's people?

Currently, FHCC is looking for a volunteer to dedicate 3-hours each week to the care and cleaning of the campus building. The church will supply all the necessary materials, and hours are flexible. Please do not volunteer unless you are serious and have already proven yourself capable.

Email Johanna for an application.

*If a volunteer cannot be secured from inside the church, a professional service will be hired.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Busy Weekend

Don't miss an awesome weekend with FHCC!

Saturday: 1-3pm - Outreach
Where: Meet In Front of the Midway
Join us as we hit the streets of Forest Hills to invite people to church and listen to our communities needs. You have no idea how something so simple as standing on a street corner handing out cards can impact eternity. Regardless of your level of involvement in the church, this opportunity provides you the chance to make a difference in someone's life.

Saturday: 3-5p - Tree CleanUp
Where: Meet In Front of the Midway
This week's storm has decimated our community, and we need to help our neighbors. Please volunteer your time this weekend to join us in picking up sticks, clearing lawns, and doing whatever else is necessary to love our community in a tangible way. Please bring Gloves!

Sunday: 10am - Joseph's Murder
Where: Inside the Midway
This week we conclude Genesis 37 and witness the murderous attempt of Joseph's brothers. Without pity or remorse, this envious brothers lay hold of their brother in an attempt at selfish gain. It is an emotional story, but one that will resonate with every living person. The truth is that no one likes a Dreamer...

The weather is suppose to be beautiful, and I cannot wait to see you all this weekend!
-Pastor Jeremy

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Who is Satan?

Many people often ask about the origin of Satan and what role he plays in history. Rather than "reinvent the wheel," I have chosen to appeal to wisdom of John Piper. The full sermon can be found here.

Satan, that Ancient Serpent

Who is this serpent? The fullest answer is given in Revelation 12:9: “The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.” So the serpent in the garden is the devil (which means slanderer), and Satan (which means accuser), and the deceiver of the whole world. Jesus calls him “the evil one” (Matthew 13:19) and “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11). The Pharisees call him “Beelzebul, the prince of demons” (Matthewe 12:24). Paul calls him “the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4) and “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2).

Crushing Satan on the Cross

The day is coming, God says, when you (not just your offspring) will be defeated and removed from the earth. The offspring of this woman will crush you (see Romans 16:20 and Hebrews 2:14). That decisive blow was struck by the perfect offspring of the woman, Jesus Christ, when he died on the cross. This is one of the reasons why the eternal Son of God had to become a man—because it was the offspring of the woman who would crush Satan.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sat. Outreach

JOSEPH is off to a great start; but there are still thousands who need to be invited to listen and learn with us. Please set aside some time this Saturday, Sept. 18, from 1-3pm to help us tell the people of Forest Hills.

We will gather in front of the Midway Theater and then break into smaller teams to distribute our JOSEPH invite cards across the neighborhood. Whether you are a veteran or a rookie at Outreach, we guarantee you will have a good time and achieve much!

To help make the day more efficient, please RSVP prior to Saturday afternoon. Email Johanna and let her know WHO is coming and WHEN. Also, please wear your FHCC t-shirt. (Need a t-shirt? Email Johanna and let her know your size. Cost is $10.)

Outreach: Forest Hills
Saturday, Sept 18th

Meet @ Midway Theater

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Bible Works!

Luke 9:2-6 "...and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: 'Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them.' So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere."

The truth of the matter is that the passage above is the reason why FHCC exists. When my family and I moved here in 2006, myself and a young college intern simply hit the streets at night and talked to people about Jesus. Those who wanted to receive, received; and those who did not, simply were given a kind word and left alone. Looking back, it was like no time at all before we began holding bible studies with 15-20 young people. From that experience FHCC was birthed into the church it is today.

This past week Anthony and I hit the streets of Forest Hills to see God do it all over again. It was a very quiet night with very few people on the street or in the shops. Yet, it only takes one conversation to make the night effective. Within moments the conversations began firing up with old friends and new. We met a group of four young men who were all over the spiritual map. They were invited to church and Anthony was able to share his story about he met Jesus at FHCC. The conversation was fantastic and everyone we met was encouraged, including the couple who wanted nothing more than a "hello" from us.

The point is that the Bible works, Jesus is alive, and there are people out there that God desires to save through our obedience. Let's never forget our roots. Not only was FHCC birthed through the practice of Luke 9, but so was the very first church of Jesus. God never changes, and neither should our obedience and trust in His Word. Go invite people to church!

Forest Hills Community Church
Sunday Mornings INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Monday Nights INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Meeting Joseph

This week we get back to the book of Genesis and the story of the Patriarchs. Jacob has come home to rest, and it now becomes time to watch the next generation of God's people grow and develop under His perfect covenant. Unlike the generations before, however, all of the children of Jacob will reside in covenant community, not a particular one.

Yet, despite this inclusive nature, God will elect certain children to elevated tasks and purposes. And like before, the objects of His election are never the obvious choice. In the case of the sons of Jacob, God will elect the second youngest brother, Joseph, to lead in very difficult circumstances and times. Like those who have gone before him, Joseph, is going to need to have radical faith imparted upon him if he is to succeed.

Make plans to join us this Sunday or Monday night at Forest Hills Community Church as we meet the Dreamer, Joseph. No section of the Genesis account is as replete with the providence (unseen involvement) of God, which offers so much hope for all of us.

See you this weekend!

Genesis: Joseph - From Death to Life
Sundays INSIDE the Midway Movie Theater
Monday Nights INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram)

Monday, September 6, 2010

GROW at UNplugged

I'm back live tonight, and I would love to see you and your friends with me. Please join me for a very special night of reflecting on the consequences of II Corinthians 4. As stated all throughout the GROW mini-series, this is not a random break from Genesis, but a divine interruption about purpose and function. We have learned much from the Patriarchs, but if we are not willing to apply their hope and function (the proclamation and persecution of the Gospel), then have we really learned anything?

Come for a great night of encouragement. We'll be reading, studying, applying and praying for you, the church, and the future of both. Don't miss it!

UNplugged: An Interactive Church Experience
Monday Nights @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

GROW: Mini-Series - Part 2

After witnessing Paul's defense and confidence for ministry, he moves on the tell of the results of his ministry. Since the wonders of God are the source of both his salvation and his calling, it is no wonder then that the apostles cites his fate and conviction of being that of the Messiah as well. Ministers suffer.

This week's message stems from a very famous passage of Scripture and a pastor's heavy heart (and I am not simply talking about, the apostle Paul). Those who know Jesus and proclaim Jesus know all too well the results of such a theology and practice. It is compelling and joyful, yet it brings opposition and emotional duress. It is impossible, but is the joyful carried out because it is the essence of the Believer's life! Ministry is unique.

Join us this Sunday for a profound message from the book of II Corinthians. Regardless of where you are at with the Lord or your understanding of Christian theology, you will be rocked by this week's message. Come early, come with a notebook, and come ready to watch things change. I'm praying already...and so should you.

PS> A very special UNplugged will take place on Monday, Sept. 6, at 8pm. A complimentary message to Sunday's text will be preached by Pastor Jeremy. Bring a friend.

GROW: Mini-Series from II Cor. 4
Sundays @ 10am INSIDE the Midway Theater
Mondays @ 8pm INSIDE the FHCC Campus (6708 Ingram St)