Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Be a Local Missionary

Here are eight simple suggestions (from Jonathan Dodson’s Simplified Missional Living):

Eat with non-Christians
Go to lunch with a co-worker, not by yourself.

Walk; don’t drive. Be deliberate
Say hello to people you don’t know.

Be a regular
Go to the same places at the same times.

Hobby with non-Christians
Try city league sports. Teach lessons. Have fun.

Talk to your co-workers
Show interest. Go out after work.

Volunteer with non-profits
Spend time with your church serving your city.

Participate in city events
Go to fundraisers, festivals, cleanups, concerts.

Serve your neighbors
Help a neighbor by weeding, mowing, or fixing a car.

All of us can serve the mission by living for Jesus on a daily basis. In this way, I encourage you to serve where you’re at, love those around you, and pray for the Holy Spirit’s work around the world.