Thursday, October 30, 2008


As some of you may know, FHCC is working its way through the powerful book of Hosea. This Old Testament prophet was called to not only verbally proclaim God's heart for His people, but to go the distance and actually LIVE OUT God's heart...and heartache. The wording and imagery of this little book is certainly overwhelming, and I was unsure how our community was going to respond to such a "raw" message. As always, I have been incredibly humbled by the response.
Over the past four weeks, not only has attendance remained strong, but we have seen an increase in new people attending and returning. At the same time, and I think is even more incredible, our response time at the end of the service has been awesome! People are not "rushing out" of the theater on Sunday mornings, but they are lingering to pray and get right with God and each other. The COMMUNITY aspect of FHCC is beautiful and I cannot wait to see it grow stronger in the coming weeks and months.

This week, we kick off week #5 of Hosea, and it is powerful. God is going to use some incredibly intimate and personal language to describe His desire and plan for our live, and you are not going to want to miss it! Invite a friend, bring a stranger, and let's keep allowing God to change us as we are moved to dependency on His INTOLERANT LOVE.

Missed a message? Click Here!