Saturday, July 26, 2008

Spiritual Gifts

Over the next 3 weeks FHCC will be examining the Gifts of the Spirit as described in I Cor. 12-14. This a very important, and often misunderstood, portion of Scripture that MUST be understood if the church is ever going to radically change a world or community for Jesus.

Therefore, IF you have a question, comment or concern about this portion of Scripture; please FIRE AWAY. Every question asked on this blog WILL BE ADDRESSED during our Sunday services from now until August 10th, 2008.

And, of course; you can post ANONYMOUSLY.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Manly Men for Jesus

You can get the WHOLE message on iTunes, or request a FREE DVD via our website:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What is a Christian?

I love being a Pastor of a growing church, because I get to hang out with REAL people, who have REAL problems, and need REAL solutions. It is a very cool gig and I thank God everyday for the opportunity.

A few weeks ago, I got a FANTASTIC question from a guy who is new to the church. He grew up nominal Christian, surrounded by so-called Christians, but saw very little difference and meaning in being a Christian. Needless to say, he is a skeptic of real Christianity at the least, but he says he sees something beyond reality taking place at FHCC under the guise of Christianity, and he wants to know WHY. "Why are the Christians at FHCC so different?"

My response was simple: "This is what Christianity is: living and demonstrating Jesus in EVERYTHING." Blown away, he then asked for a FORMAL definition of a Christian. Below is how I replied,

"Based on a BIBLICAL understanding and teaching of Jesus and His followers, a Christian is:
One who believes that Jesus is God, Man, Messiah; the only suitable atonement for all sin, and publicly declares this confession through a regenerate life of holiness and compassion, which in turns draws others into a personal relationship with Jesus.

I.E. Faith + Works (A CHANGED LIFE, which is made capable only through faith, and testifies to the faith for the glory of God) = a Christian.

See: Romans 10:9-10; James 2:17-19; ESPECIALLY I John 4:7-10"

My man now attends and serves every week at FHCC, as unto Jesus. He is a Christian.