Sunday, March 15, 2009


You all love the images, and God's called us to witness in every way.

Plus, they're something other than that crazy fish symbol.

FHCC '09: 1280 x 800

Genesis: 1280 x 800

Noah: 1280 x 800

Monday, March 9, 2009

Where have all the Christians gone/

Survey: More Americans say they have no religion

The Associated Press

March 9 2009

A wide-ranging study on American religious life found that the Roman Catholic population has been shifting out of the Northeast to the Southwest, the percentage of Christians in the nation has declined and more people say they have no religion at all.

The complete article can be viewed at:,0,3322875.story

Visit at

OK, so here is the deal: You cannot play games when it comes to following Jesus. Either you are "in," or you are not. Either you will follow Him everyday and flee from sin, or you will claim "Christianity" as your "faith," live like a sinner, and get the reward of a sinner, which is hell.

What the world would love to do, after reading an article such as this, is say, "See. Christianity is a joke. It's own followers are falling away." Tragic.

The truth is that Christianity is losing ground solely because both Christians and Pastors are bringing sin into the faith. Many of the pastors that I know do not call their people to HOLINESS. They feel that such a message is too hard, or too offensive, for people to follow. They would rather pack an auditorium with approvers, then stand alone with the approval of God.

The Bible clearly tells us that you cannot have both Jesus AND worldly pleasures, and remain Christian (Joshua 24:14-15; James 4:4; I Peter 4:2-4.). If you give the devil (sin) a foothold, you are dead. Proof of this is staring us in the face.

Being a Christian is hard and offensive to a sin-loving world. We all need to get over it, and show God a little gratitude (and humility) by obeying Him at His word. If we do, not only will Christians REMAIN Christians, but others will join us too.
